Fondazione Corti


  • Data di Fondazione 01/01/1900
  • Posizioni aperte 1
  • Causa Cooperazione internazionale
  • Tipo di Entità Ente Non Profit


Founded in 1993, our purpose is to support and assist St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor, located in Gulu, northern Uganda.
In 1993, the Fondazione Corti was founded in Milan. The Foundation is not-for-profit and its purpose is to support the St. Mary’s Hospital Lacor in Gulu, Uganda, both financially and with technical-logistical assistance. The Foundation was created through the will of physicians Piero Corti e Lucille Teasdale, who through 40 years of work managed and developed the hospital, transforming it from a small missionary hospital into the largest not-for-profit hospital in equatorial Africa.

Today the Foundation is the Hospital’s biggest supporter. Guiding the work is Piero and Lucille’s daughter, Dominique, whose ongoing search for funds, goods, and skills continues to make possible the objective to which her parents dedicated their entire lives: Giving the people of Uganda a universally accessible hospital and the ability to build their own tomorrow.